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      Walk-In Investigations

A Paranormal Detective Mystery

This isn't your Mother's channeling…


Walk-In Investigations: Streaming Sarah by Joyce Kostakis is the first in a planned series. It is a tense, gripping, genre-splicing Psychic Detective mystery; it’s a must for fans of intelligent crime dramas.


Homicide Detective Katie Hanson prided herself on being an advocate for the dead. She had no idea dying would take that to an entirely new level. A near death experience has added a new skill to her crime-solving abilities… she can stream the dead. It is more than just channeling murder victim Sarah Alexander's account of her horrific murder and the murder of her two children, much more. Katie learns to stream Sarah's consciousness, her memories, her very soul.


At first, Katie thought dying was just the break she needed in closing out her cold case. As the investigation unfolds, her excitement turns to frustration. Katie quickly realizes she is dead wrong.  A spirit's memory is just as flawed as the living. Katie's gut instinct is to believe Sarah, but the evidence doesn't support the testimony. In fact, it made matters worse. Now she has two suspects. Will Sarah help Katie bring the killer to justice, or will they drag in an innocent man?

Walk-In Investigations: Blistering Paranormal Detective Mystery, Hailed “Thought-Provoking” by Critics, Solves Cold Case in Parallel Universe 


Masterfully crafted by Joyce Kostakis, ‘Walk-In Investigation: A Paranormal Detective Mystery’ is a rare fusion of detective mystery and the spirit world, thrusting readers into a parallel universe as a suicide survivor attempts to solve a series of life-changing cold cases. This rare blend of fiction has already become a hit among critics, with one recently writing, “I couldn’t put it down once I started it and as such finished it in one afternoon while sitting outside”. With a perfectly-flawed heroine who is a force to be reckoned with, Kostakis is bucking her genre’s trends with gusto.


Portland, Oregon – Writer Joyce Kostakis has been intrigued with the idea that parallel worlds can interact with ours. The Many Interacting Worlds theory has fascinated her for years, even seeping in to become a hallmark of her potent and hard-hitting fiction.

It’s a front-and-center theme in her latest novel, ‘Walk-In Investigation: A Paranormal Detective Mystery’, a detective mystery unlike anything else on the market.



When Homicide Detective Katie Hanson woke up in the hospital after her suicide attempt, she could never have imagined that the decision to end her life would open the door to not only the spirit world but also a parallel universe and would change her life forever.

Working closely with her parallel double and the spirits of the deceased victims, Katie investigates the department’s cold cases.


As her case unfolds, Katie realizes that a deceased witness’s testimony can be just as flawed as the living. Nothing is as it seems. The victim’s testimony does not match the evidence. Will following the guidance of her parallel double lead her to the truth or cause her to arrest an innocent man?

“You really don’t see too many books that blend the spirit world with a parallel universe,” explains the author. “You can get one or the other, but my boundless curiosity just had to explore what happens if they collide together. The result is the opportunity of a lifetime for our flawed homicide detective heroine, as well as the most dangerous and transformative experience of her life. Readers are invited along for the journey.”


Continuing, “I have some very unique and personal views about the existence of parallel universes and their symbiosis with ours. It’s been a huge creative adventure to explore them through the periscope of fiction and, by all accounts, readers have also found it to be compelling.”


Kostakis isn’t exaggerating – reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. For example, one Amazon Customer comments, “Such a fun read!!! I couldn’t put it down once I started it and as such finished it in one afternoon while sitting outside. I found the concept very thought provoking. I highly recommend this book and look forward to seeing more from this author…perhaps even a continuation of the characters adventures!”


‘Walk-In Investigation: A Paranormal Detective Mystery’:



Book no.1
Book no.2
Book no.3
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